The ability to communicate effectively from a platform is an art. Not everyone does it well. However that art is not just the possession of the eloquent few, it can be taught. Let me teach you how.
Everything you thought you knew about the public speaking is wrong!
So what will you get from my course of public speaking?
Learn how to calm those nerves
Yes, we know that for the majority the thought of speaking before a room of people is terrifying. Sharing with you my experience you may still get butterflies but I’ll show you how to make them fly information.
How to speak publicly as though you were having a conversation with your best friend.
Just as we know that most people employ a ‘telephone voice’ so we also have a Public Speaking voice. What is more, the audience also knows. I’ll show you how to display the appropriate professionalism whilst maintaining the naturalness and warmth of a conversation in your local Pub.
Impart information so that your audience retains the key points.
Would your debriefed audience be able to relate back to you? The crucial thrust of your talk? If not then all your hard work prepping the talk are just words that disappear into the ether. Imparting information so that it is retained is vital. I’ll teach you how.
How to communicate enthusiastically your ideas so that your audience acts on them.
If you want your staff to have fire in their Belly then you have to have fire in your Belly.
No, you don’t have to sound like an Evangelical preacher but there are key ways of cultivating enthusiasm.
How do you know the training works?
I am a Trained Public Speaker with some Forty Years Experience of addressing audiences of sometimes thousands of people.
I have for many years conducted a weekly school tutoring individuals in a structured manner as they progressively work through a course of essential public speaking proficiencies.
I have performed the role of Spokesperson for a company having an international clientele and have communicated the History and Achievements of that brand.
Retail is under attack as never before
Only the best will survive. Only the brands offering the most personal and professional service. Only the companies that believe passionately about their product. Only the ones that convey trust to the client based on the trustworthy Heritage of your Brand.
Only the ones who have a visible leadership that can verbally impart these values to the ones who matter, your sales people who work on the Floor every Day.
So what prevents you form acting now?
The world needs leadership as never before. Retail companies need visible leadership that inspires. As the world of Retail faces an unprecedented struggle for survival it needs leaders that can rouse the troops.
Men and Women who can stand before a workforce and impart passion and determination to, not only survive, but thrive. Public Speaking is a skill which is invaluable for your Retail Managers today.
Training modules
No more ‘you know’s’.
Or how not to send them to sleep. Vary your delivery with Pitch, Pace and Power.
How to prepare and structure a Talk.
Develop a charisma that endears your audience to you.
Maintaining your Composure in the face of intimidation from Customers and sadly sometimes from Colleagues.
No more wooden deliveries, use your body to convey your message.
Address your audience, not your notes!
What if the Customer says ‘I’ll think about it’?
Head up and Smile!
Act now!
In the High Street where your business operates Retail does not have a period of grace. It has to perform now! Your key leaders have to perform and inspire now!
Your sale staff will only be as enthused and driven as they are.
That has to happen now, today because for many retailers there won’t be a tomorrow. Allow me to share with you presentation skills that will help you to engage, inform, inspire and captivate your workers.